
So you want to start a podcast? Well, good news! Everyone that has ever started a podcast has found fame, fortune, and success. Hollywood calls with infinite interest, ad nauseam, at all the new and original projects that are out there. Celebrities fall all over themselves to make appearances on podcasts, just waiting for the beckon call of the shows' hosts. Awards are awarded, parties are partied, and recognition and praise are rained down on you daily.

Really? No, it isn't really like that, but we can dream can't we?

I'll be the first to tell you that it isn't all cotton candy clouds and graham cracker streets, but what you can expect is, if you stick with it and make something that is interesting or entertaining, people will come. It takes time to build, but a podcast can be much more than just a cold or stoic mp3 and an RSS feed sitting on a server. They are seeds, seeds for a community.

Podcasting introduced me to individuals, cultures, and personal experiences from all over the world as a podcaster and as a listener. People that I wouldn't have otherwise met, from online friends to others I have met in person and consider true friends (starting with the guys that wrote this book), all wound up connecting with me through this exciting medium.

Also expect your venture into podcasting to be a personal learning experience, not just a social one. I have found that by being yourself, being honest, and opening up to your listeners that these complete strangers will relate to ...

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