The array Object [3|4|I]

The array object provides a mechanism for creating arrays and working with them. New arrays are created with arrayName = new Array() or arrayName = new Array(arrayLength).


  • length— An integer value reflecting the number of elements in an array.

  • prototype— Used to add properties to an array object.


  • concat(arrayname)— Combines elements of two arrays and returns a third, one level deep, without altering either of the derivative arrays. (Netscape Navigator 4.0 only; is not in the ECMAScript standard.)

  • join(string)— Returns a string containing each element of the array, separated by string. (Not I.)

  • reverse()— Reverses the order of an array. (Not I.)

  • slice(arrayName, beginSlice, endSlice)— Extracts a portion of ...

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