Part 12: Testing/Customer Service

  1. How would you rate the testing plan?

    ____ Extremely effective

    ____ Somewhat effective

    ____ Not very effective

    ____ Nonexistent

  2. How much did the provided documentation help with the generation of a test plan?

    ____ Very much

    ____ Some

    ____ Not much

    ____ Not at all

    Note: The previous two questions attempt to assess the test plan. If you don't have a testing plan or if it is not doing the job, then you need to develop a good plan for creating a test plan in the same way that you develop a good development blueprint.

  3. What did testers mainly look for?

    ____ To ensure that the application met the specification

    ____ To ensure that the application met the client need

    ____ To ensure that it met both the specification and client need ...

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