Appendix B

Cash Flow Versus Expenses

Do you know what your expenses are? What they will be? And how they stack up against your cash flow—current or projected? This brief guide can get you started. And it’s just a guide—feel free to add, amend, blow it up or use something wholly different. You can also use this to project how much cash flow you’ll need your portfolio to provide—now or in the future.

Table B.1 Cash Flows—Current or Projected

Income source Amount
Salary $_________
Pension $_________
Pension survivor benefit $_________
Social Security $_________
Business income $_________
Cash flow from investments
Portfolio cash flow $_________
Real estate $_________
Other $_________
TOTAL CASH FLOW $_________

Table B.2 Expenses—Current or Projected

Basic Living Expenses Amount
 Primary property $_________
  Mortgage, insurance and property insurance $_________
  Home upkeep $_________
  Lawn maintenance $_________
 Rental/Second/Investment property
  Mortgage, insurance and property insurance $_________
  Home upkeep $_________
  Lawn maintenance $_________
Insurance premiums
 Medical $_________
 Auto $_________
 Life $_________
 Annuities $_________
 Long-term care $_________
 Other $_________
 Payments $_________
 Gasoline $_________
 Maintenance $_________
Groceries $_________
 His $_________
 Hers $_________
 Kids $_________

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