

αCaMKII protein, 105

addiction, 53-54

as disease, 54-55, 59

neural effects of, 56-60

neuroimaging therapy, 64-65

adolescent brains

diabetes, effect of, 98

morality development in, 74-75

adrenalin, 102

adult brains, juvenile brains versus, 74-75

age-related memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease versus, 91-93

alcoholism. See addiction

altruism, 84-88

Alzheimer’s disease

age-related memory loss versus, 91-93

diagnosing, 94-95

American Medical Association (AMA), 74

American Psychological Association (APA), 74

amygdala, 75, 101

Anderson, Adam, 114

Andrews, Keith, 12

anger, physical effects of, 22-24

anosognosia, 119

anterior cingulate, 51

APA (American Psychological Association), 74

approach/withdrawal behavior, 39-40

arachnoid membrane, 71

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