About the Authors

David Bourg is a Naval Architect involved in various military and commercial proposal, design, and construction efforts. Since 1998, David has served as an independent consultant working for various regional clients engaged in both commercial and military shipbuilding where he provides design and analysis services including but not limited to concept design, proposal writing, detailed design and analysis, visualization, and software development among other services. He coordinated and led the winning design and proposal effort for the US Coast Guard Point Class (patrol boat) Replacement Program. In 2006, David joined fellow Naval Architect Kenneth Humphreys to form MiNO Marine, LLC, a naval architecture and marine professional services firm.

In addition to Physics for Game Developers, David has published two other books. He earned a PhD in Engineering and Applied Science in 2008 from the University of New Orleans. He has served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of New Orleans School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, where he has taught various courses since 1993.

Ever since his father read A Brief History of Time to him in middle school, Bryan Bywalec wanted to be an astrophysicist. While he will always have a passion for pure physics, he became more and more obsessed in high school with the application of those physical principles he was learning. Having been around sailboats his entire life, his decision to seek a degree in Naval Architecture ...

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