C Index of Fragments

Bold numbers indicate the first page of a fragment definition ,bold italic numbers indicate an extension of the definition, and roman numbers indicate a use of the fragment.

Accumulate contribution of direction ω to transfer coefficients, 973, 973
Accumulate irradiance value from nearby photons, 832, 833
Accumulate Mo from leaf node, 911, 911
Accumulate outgoing radiance due to reflected irradiance, 816, 817
AdaptiveSampler Declarations, 386
AdaptiveSampler Method Definitions, 387, 387, 388
AdaptiveSampler Private Data, 386, 386
Add bias compensation ray contribution to radiance sum, 783, 784
Add computed irradiance value to cache, 791, 796
Add contribution from VirtualLight vl, 780, 782
Add contribution of each light source ...

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