Mcrypt Functions

The mcrypt library available at supports a wide variety of block algorithms such as DES, TripleDES, Blowfish (default), 3-WAY, SAFER-SK64, SAFER-SK128, TWOFISH, TEA, RC2 and GOST in CBC, OFB, CFB, and ECB cipher modes. Additionally, it supports RC6 and IDEA, which are considered “non-free”:

int mcrypt_cbc(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode [,string iv])

CBC crypt/decrypt data using key with cipher and optional iv

int mcrypt_cfb(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv)

CFB crypt/decrypt data using key with cipher starting with iv

string mcrypt_create_iv(int size, int source)

Create an initializing vector (IV)

int mcrypt_ecb(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode)

ECB crypt/decrypt data using key with cipher

int mcrypt_get_block_size(int cipher)

Get the block size of a cipher

string mcrypt_get_cipher_name(int cipher)

Get the name of a cipher

int mcrypt_get_key_size(int cipher)

Get the key size of a cipher

int mcrypt_ofb(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv)

OFB crypt/decrypt data using key with cipher starting with iv

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