
string gettype(mixed value) 

Finds the type of a value.


String containing the type of the value


gettype() returns the type of the value argument. The value returned is one of integer, double, string, array, class, object, unknown type, or NULL.


3+, 4+


Find the type for an undefined variable
// $value has not been defined - let's see what type it is 
$type = gettype ($value); 
print "The type of variable <i>\$value</i> is <i>$type</i>."; 
Show the type for each value in a list of values
 <pre> <?php // Make a list of values to test $values = array ( 'array (1,2)' => array (1,2), 'TRUE' => TRUE, 1.23 => 1.23, 1 => 1, '0xFF' => 0xFF, 'NULL' => NULL, "dir('.')" => dir('.'), "opendir ('.')" => opendir ...

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