

0666, explained, 302

0777 permissions, 330


//, using with comments, 24

/* and */, using with comments, 24, 26

/= assignment operator, 89

+= assignment operator, 89, 457

-= assignment operator, 89, 457

*= assignment operator, 89

#, using with comments, 24

?> tag, 9

<? and ?> short tags, 9

<!-- and -->, using with comments, 25

+ (addition) operator, 79, 135, 457

& (ampersand), using with forms, 68

&& (and) logical operator, 135, 139, 457

* (assignment) operator, 89, 135

\ (backslash), using with strings, 39

& (bitwise) operator, 310

[] (brackets), using with keys in arrays, 161

{} (braces)

versus parentheses (()), 172

using with conditionals, 143

using with if conditional, 125

. (concatenation) operator, 97, 135, 457

-- (decrement) ...

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