20.8. Displaying Menus


You want to display a menu bar at the top of a GTK window.


Create a GtkMenu . Create individual GtkMenuItem objects for each menu item you want to display and add each menu item to the GtkMenu with append( ). Then, create a root menu GtkMenuItem with the label that should appear in the menu bar (e.g., “File” or “Options”). Add the menu to the root menu with set_submenu( ) . Create a GtkMenuBar and add the root menu to the menu bar with append( ). Finally, add the menu bar to the window:

// create the window $window = &new GtkWindow(); // create a menu $menu = &new GtkMenu(); // create a menu item and add it to the menu $menu_item_1 = &new GtkMenuItem('Open'); $menu->append($menu_item_1); // create another menu item and add it to the menu $menu_item_2 = &new GtkMenuItem('Close'); $menu->append($menu_item_2); // create yet another menu item and add it to the menu $menu_item_2 = &new GtkMenuItem('Save'); $menu->append($menu_item_2); // create a root menu and add the existing menu to it $root_menu = &new GtkMenuItem('File'); $root_menu->set_submenu($menu); // create a menu bar and add the root menu to it $menu_bar = &new GtkMenuBar(); $menu_bar->append($root_menu); // add the menu bar to the window $window->add($menu_bar); // display the window $window->show_all(); // necessary so that the program exits properly function shutdown() { gtk::main_quit(); } $window->connect('destroy','shutdown'); // start GTK's signal handling loop gtk::main(); ...

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