20.3. Reading from the Keyboard


You need to read in some typed user input.


Use fopen( ) with the special filename php://stdin:

print "Type your message. Type '.' on a line by itself when you're done.\n";

$fh = fopen('php://stdin','r') or die($php_errormsg);
$last_line = false;  $message = '';
while (! $last_line) {
    $next_line = fgets($fp,1024);
    if (".\n" == $next_line) {
      $last_line = true;
    } else {
      $message .= $next_line;

print "\nYour message is:\n$message\n";

If the Readline extension is installed, use readline( ):

$last_line = false; $message = '';
while (! $last_line) {
    $next_line = readline();
    if ('.' == $next_line) {
        $last_line = true;
    } else {
        $message .= $next_line."\n";

print "\nYour message is:\n$message\n";


Once you get a file handle pointing to stdin with fopen( ), you can use all the standard file-reading functions to process input (fread( ), fgets( ), etc.) The solution uses fgets( ), which returns input a line at a time. If you use fread( ), the input still needs to be newline-terminated to make fread( ) return. For example, if you run:

$fh = fopen('php://stdin','r') or die($php_errormsg);
$msg = fread($fh,4);
print "[$msg]";

And type in tomato and then a newline, the output is [toma]. The fread( ) grabs only four characters from stdin, as directed, but still needs the newline as a signal to return from waiting for keyboard input.

The Readline extension provides an interface to the GNU Readline library. The readline( ) function returns ...

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