11.13. Parsing a Web Server Log File


You want to do calculations based on the information in your web server’s access log file.


Open the file and parse each line with a regular expression that matches the log file format. This regular expression matches the NCSA Combined Log Format:

$pattern = '/^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (\[[^\]]+\]) "(.*) (.*) (.*)" ([0-9\-]+)
    ([0-9\-]+) "(.*)" "(.*)"$/';


This program parses the NCSA Combined Log Format lines and displays a list of pages sorted by the number of requests for each page:

$log_file = '/usr/local/apache/logs/access.log'; $pattern = '/^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (\[[^\]]+\]) "(.*) (.*) (.*)" ([0-9\-]+) ([0-9\-]+) "(.*)" "(.*)"$/'; $fh = fopen($log_file,'r') or die($php_errormsg); $i = 1; $requests = array(); while (! feof($fh)) { // read each line and trim off leading/trailing whitespace if ($s = trim(fgets($fh,16384))) { // match the line to the pattern if (preg_match($pattern,$s,$matches)) { /* put each part of the match in an appropriately-named * variable */ list($whole_match,$remote_host,$logname,$user,$time, $method,$request,$protocol,$status,$bytes,$referer, $user_agent) = $matches; // keep track of the count of each request $requests[$request]++; } else { // complain if the line didn't match the pattern error_log("Can't parse line $i: $s"); } } $i++; } fclose($fh) or die($php_errormsg); // sort the array (in reverse) by number of requests arsort($requests); // print formatted results foreach ($requests ...

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