9.7. Securing PHP’s Form Processing


You want to securely process form input variables and not allow someone to maliciously alter variables in your code.


Disable the register_globals configuration directive and access variables only from the $_REQUEST array. To be even more secure, use $_GET , $_POST, and $_COOKIE to make sure you know exactly where your variables are coming from.

To do this, make sure this line appears in your php.ini file:

register_globals = Off

As of PHP 4.2, this is the default configuration.


When register_globals is set on, external variables, including those from forms and cookies, are imported directly into the global namespace. This is a great convenience, but it can also open up some security holes if you’re not very diligent about checking your variables and where they’re defined. Why? Because there may be a variable you use internally that isn’t supposed to be accessible from the outside but has its value rewritten without your knowledge.

Here is a simple example. You have a page in which a user enters a username and password. If they are validated, you return her user identification number and use that numerical identifier to look up and print out her personal information:

// assume magic_quotes_gpc is set to Off $username = $dbh->quote($_GET['username']); $password = $dbh->quote($_GET['password']); $sth = $dbh->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = $username AND password = $password"); if (1 == $sth->numRows( )) { ...

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