9.3. Working with Multipage Forms


You want to use a form that displays more than one page and preserve data from one page to the next.


Use session tracking:

$_SESSION['username'] = $_GET['username'];

You can also include variables from a form’s earlier pages as hidden input fields in its later pages:

<input type="hidden" name="username" 
       value="<?php echo htmlentities($_GET['username']); ?>">


Whenever possible, use session tracking. It’s more secure because users can’t modify session variables. To begin a session, call session_start( ); this creates a new session or resumes an existing one. Note that this step is unnecessary if you’ve enabled session.auto_start in your php.ini file. Variables assigned to $_SESSION are automatically propagated. In the Solution example, the form’s username variable is preserved by assigning $_GET['username'] to $_SESSION['username'].

To access this value on a subsequent request, call session_start( ) and then check $_SESSION['username']:

session_start( );
$username = htmlentities($_SESSION['username']);
print "Hello $username.";

In this case, if you don’t call session_start( ), $_SESSION isn’t set.

Be sure to secure the server and location where your session files are located (the filesystem, database, etc.); otherwise your system will be vulnerable to identity spoofing.

If session tracking isn’t enabled for your PHP installation, you can use hidden form variables as a replacement. However, passing data using ...

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