© Mikael Olsson 2016

Mikael Olsson, PHP 7 Quick Scripting Reference, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1922-5_4

4. String

Mikael Olsson

(1)Hammarland, Finland

A string is a series of characters that can be stored in a variable. In PHP, strings are often delimited by single quotes.

$a = 'Hello';

String Concatenation

PHP has two string operators. The dot symbol is known as the concatenation operator(.). It combines two strings into one. It also has an accompanying assignment operator (.=), which appends the right-hand string to the left-hand string variable.

$b = $a . ' World'; // Hello World$a .= ' World';     // Hello World

Delimiting Strings

PHP strings can be delimited in four different ways. There are two common notations: double quote (" ") and single quote (

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