© Mikael Olsson 2016

Mikael Olsson, PHP 7 Quick Scripting Reference, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1922-5_31

31. Assertions

Mikael Olsson

(1)Hammarland, Finland

Assert is a debugging feature that can be used during development to ensure that a condition is always true. Any expression can be asserted, as long as it evaluates to either true or false.

// Make sure $myVar is setassert(isset($myVar));

Code assertions like this help validate that there are no execution paths that break the specified assumption. If this occurs, a warning showing the file and line number of the assertion is displayed, which makes it easy to locate and fix the mistake in the code.

Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\mypage.php on line 3

A description of the assertion ...

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