About the Creative Team

Peter Meyers (editor) works as an editor at O'Reilly Media on the Missing Manual series. He lives with his wife and cat in New York City. Email: .

Michele Filshie (editor) is the assistant editor for Missing Manuals and editor of four Personal Trainers (another O'Reilly series). Before coming to O'Reilly, Michele spent many happy years at Black Sparrow Press. She lives in Sebastopol and loves to get involved in local politics. Email: .

Linley Dolby (copy editor) spent several years in the production department at O'Reilly before moving to Martha's Vineyard to pursue a freelance career. She now helps whip technical books into shape for several companies, including O'Reilly and Pogue Press. Email: .

Galen Fott (tech editor) is a writer, animator, puppeteer, and the co-author (with Deke McClelland) of several books on Photoshop Elements, including Photoshop Elements 4 One-on-One (Deke Press/O'Reilly). He is also a contributing editor to PC Magazine. Visit him at: www.grundoon.com.

Bryan O'Neil Hughes (tech editor) has been a member of Adobe's Photoshop Team since 1999. He has edited several books on both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. In addition to being published in a variety of magazines and Web sites, Bryan's photographs can also be found within Photoshop itself. Email: .

Rose Cassano (cover illustration) has worked as an independent designer and illustrator for 20 years. Assignments have ranged from the nonprofit sector to corporate clientele. She lives in beautiful Southern Oregon, grateful for the miracles of modern technology that make working there a reality. Email: . Web: www.rosecassano.com.

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