Chapter 27. Correcting Video Files and Adding Artistic Effects


  • Changing the color and tone of a video

  • Using videos as Smart Objects

  • Correcting a video layer using filters

  • Cloning and healing within a video file

The basics of improving your video files by correcting lighting and color, adding artistic effects, or cloning and healing inside of them is not much different than making these changes to an image file. The tools themselves are the same, and the effects they have on video files are identical to the effects they have on image files. The difference lies in how you want the effects applied to your video; they can be applied to the entire file, to a portion of the file, or to an individual frame.

This chapter demonstrates different methods of application and gives examples of instances where you would use each one.

Adding Fill or Adjustment Layers to Correct Tone and Color of Video Layers

Color correction can enhance almost any photo. Videos are even more susceptible to environmental lighting problems that need correction. When it comes to color correcting a video layer, you can use the Image menu to change the video frame by frame, or you can create a Fill or Adjustment layer that affects the entire video layer. Unless you are creating a special effect or animating a color correction, you want to skip the tedious process of color correcting frame by frame.


This chapter assumes you know how and why to apply adjustment layers in Photoshop. In Chapter 13, you can learn ...

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