
Photoshop CS3 Channels and Masks Bible was the result of efforts by my many friends who contributed their time and expertise. First of all, thanks are in order to Carole McClendon, my agent at Waterside Productions Inc. Thanks and kudos to the production team at Wiley including acquisitions editors Tom Heine and Courtney Allen, whose vision helped get this book going; to project editor Beth Taylor who knows her stuff; and to Rob Barnes the tech editor, for his expertise and attention to detail.

My thanks to artist and photographer friends who provided inspiration including Andrew Rush, Steve Meckler, Tim Fuller, Imo Baird, and Demitri Ivanovitch Sarnukov. And especially to my daughter Leah for providing some wonderful images for this book.

I also want to thank my close friends Joeanne Stur, Charlotte Lowe Baily, Katherine Fergison, and Karen Brennan whose support helped me through some tough moments.

My gratitude is owed to my colleagues at Pima Community College including Briged Murphy, Dennis Landry, Dave Wing, Patty Gardiner, Margo Burwell, and Jack Mertes, and of course to my amazing students.

Many thanks to the Adobe Photoshop beta team, for keeping me apprised of the many changes to the program during its development. Also, thanks to Image Stock, Corel, PhotoDisk, ImageIdeas, and Eclectic Collections for providing images from their CD library. Thanks also to my brother Chuck and my mom, Violette, for their effusive enthusiasm.

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