
#53 1998 (Adele Henderson), 266

#527 1998 (Peter Feldstein), 237

07_00_01 2000 (Timothy Tracz), 7

8 Mile Pinhole Exposure on Route 476, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2007 (William Larson), 238

16mm movie cameras, 1789

35mm cameras:

conversion to pinhole, 170

disposables, 173

panoramic effects, 177

stereoscopic photography, 181, 183

see also Single lens reflex cameras

110 format cameras, 181

360 degree cameras, 176, 177

782. Apple Advancing 1975 (Marion Faller and Hollis Frampton), 178

Abeles, Kim xiv, 49, 264

Abundance 2006 (Christina Anderson), 74

Accelerators, 83, 130, 133

Acetic acid, 76

Acid-free paper, 190

Acids, 756

developers, 101, 130

disposal, 38

papers, 190

platinum process, 215

stop baths, 45, 79, 1489

toners, 155

Acrylics, ...

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