39 Concerts

Performance and display

Ruby May Allcock

The Idea

Live music photography is fascinating-a perfect chance to take shots of people in their performance modes, displaying interesting character, high emotion, and energy-on top of which, gigs are great fun! With some preparation and experimentation, there is no reason why you can't get impressive results from less than high-end equipment,

Lady Gaga in Black-and-While I waited for the moment her arm was perfectly aligned with her costume

The Ingredients

  • ▶ Any camera
  • ▶ Flashgun (optional)

The Process

So you have a ticket or a press pass to a gig, but what about the kit? Can't afford the expense of a camera such as a Canon EOS-ID or a Nikon D3X? Well, I still use my first SLR camera-the ...

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