Part 4. Editing Fusion

The digital photography workflow is comprehensive: we spend hours working our images, obsessing over conversions, color corrections, and the final "art" treatments. Ironically, this increased creative control is one of the reasons standardization is so pervasive in our industry. And yet we do it anyway.

Why, then, would you want to add video editing to your workload? Just like a growing group of photographers outsource their image processing, outsourcing is a viable alternative for Fusion too. Look for someone you trust to edit your Fusion pieces – someone who will listen to your artistic vision, and is reasonably priced. Assuming the pricing is similar to outsourcing still photos, $500 for each Fusion piece is certainly reasonable.

Many of us however will not outsource, and this section will help you edit on your own. Our goal is to always provide a polished, finished product to share with our clients. We will take you through a series of steps to help you get ready for your edit, describe a few software options, and help you get your final project to your clients.

Editing Fusion

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