Writing our Poll Controller's tests

We need to start off by creating a new file to handle the tests for our Poll Controller. Open up test/vocial_web/controllers/poll_controller_test.exs and begin to update the tests in it. Its contents should be as follows:

defmodule VocialWeb.PollControllerTest do  use VocialWeb.ConnCase  test "GET /polls", %{conn: conn} do    {:ok, poll} =      Vocial.Votes.create_poll_with_options(%{title: "Poll 1"}, [        "Choice 1",        "Choice 2",        "Choice 3"      ])    conn = get(conn, "/polls")    assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ poll.title    Enum.each(poll.options, fn option ->      assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "#{option.title}"      assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ ": #{option.votes}"    end)  endend

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