Creating the Polls table migration

Based on that, let's create our new migration, add_polls_table:

$ mix ecto.gen.migration add_polls_table* creating priv/repo/migrations* creating priv/repo/migrations/20171005161434_add_polls_table.exs

By default, that will give us a mostly blank file consisting of:

defmodule Vocial.Repo.Migrations.AddPollsTable do use Ecto.Migration def change do endend

This allows us to start putting together the definitions for our table! Let's take a look at what this file does:

First, we define a new module under Vocial.Repo.Migrations called AddPollsTable (remember that the gen.migration command we had used previously took add_polls_table as the only argument).

Next, we tell Ecto that this module should be using the ...

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