Creating the vote record schema

With our database structure ready to go, we can create our schema file to accompany it! Create lib/vocial/votes/vote_record.ex and we'll start it off the same way we start off most of our new schemas: with macros, imports, and aliases first!

defmodule Vocial.Votes.VoteRecord do  use Ecto.Schema  import Ecto.Changeset  alias Vocial.Votes.VoteRecord  alias Vocial.Votes.Poll    # ...end

The next step in building out our schema is always specifying that the schema will house our data and the shape of that schema, so we'll implement that next:

schema "vote_records" do  field :ip_address, :string  belongs_to :poll, Poll  timestamps()end

Finally, we'll need to implement the changeset/2 function. This follows the same template ...

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