Configuring Ueberauth in Google

We'll begin by configuring mix.exs, first with the list of running applications. This is the same as what we had to do to get Ueberauth and Ueberauth's Twitter strategy installed:

extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :ueberauth, :ueberauth_twitter, :ueberauth_google]

Of course, we'll also have to add it to our list of dependencies under the deps function:

{:ueberauth_google, "~> 0.7"}

Now, we'll modify our config/config.exs file to include a new provider for Ueberauth. The providers key is just a list of the different providers and which strategy they use to log someone in, so we'll add Google to our list:

config :ueberauth, Ueberauth,  providers: [    twitter: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter, []}, google: ...

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