Chapter 1

Exploring the Key Themes of NLP

In This Chapter

arrow Working out the meaning of NLP

arrow Exploring the key themes of NLP

arrow Getting the most out of models and presuppositions

Increasingly, you will hear the subject of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) mentioned as you go about your daily life – in corporations, colleges and coffee shops. We wrote the book because our experience of NLP transformed our lives. We wanted to ignite the spark of curiosity in you about what is possible in NLP and with NLP. We also believed it was time for NLP to come away from academic- and business-speak to real-life plain English for all our friends out there. By friends, we mean everyone and anyone, especially you, the reader.

NLP has grown in popularity because it offers ‘aha’ moments. It simply makes sense. Yet the name itself, and the jargon associated with it, present a barrier to the average person. Some describe NLP as ‘the study of the structure of subjective experience’; others call it ‘the art and science of communication’. We prefer to say that NLP enables you to understand what makes you tick; how you think, how you feel, how you make sense of everyday life in the world around you. Armed with ...

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