The SMTP Protocol and the SMTP Session

The SMTP protocol defines the set of commands a client sends to an SMTP server, which is generally bound to port 25 of a mailhost. Requests and responses are negotiated between client and server.

When a client negotiates an SMTP session with a server, the server tells the client that it’s listening. Once you’re connected, you introduce yourself to the server by issuing a HELO command. The HELO command accepts one parameter—your hostname—and defaults to your remote hostname if you don’t specify one. If the command is successful, the server sends a 250 response, as follows:

250 Hello [], pleased to meet 

After you’ve been greeted by the server, send the MAIL command to tell the server who the message is from. The MAIL command takes the string From: user@hostname as an argument, and the server responds with a 250 message to indicate success:

MAIL From: <>
250 ... Sender ok

Then send the RCPT command to tell the server who the recipient is:

RCPT To: <>
250 ... Recipient ok

Now you’re ready to send the body of your message to the server. The DATA command tells the server that all data until a . on a line by itself should be treated as the body of the mail message:

DATA 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself Subject: Hi, just thought you'd be interested ... Hi, this is the text of my mail message that ...

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