
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


!~ (exclamation point-tilde), Perl pattern-binding operator, Regular expression input
$ (dollar sign), Scalars, Hashes, Arrow Notation, Metacharacters
Perl hashes, Hashes
Perl regex metacharacter, Metacharacters
Perl scalars, Scalars
Perl variable notation, Arrow Notation
$# (dollar sign-number sign) Perl syntax, Arrays
$dbh variable (Perl DBI), Looking inside the $dbh variableAlternative Oracle connection scenarios
$_ (dollar sign-underscore), Hashes, The implicit use of $_
implicit use in regexes, The implicit use of $_
pronoun in Perl hashes, Hashes
% (percent sign), Configuring Mason for Apache, Arrow Notation
Perl in Mason template, Configuring Mason for Apache
Perl variable notation, Arrow Notation
%ENV hash (Perl), Environmental Variable Access
() (parentheses), Perl regex metacharacter, Metacharacters
* (asterisk), Perl regex metacharacter, Metacharacters, Greediness
*? (asterisk-question mark), Perl regex metacharacter, Greediness
+ (plus sign), Perl regex metacharacter, Metacharacters, Greediness
+? (plus sign-question mark), Perl regex metacharacter, Greediness
-> (arrow notation), Perl, Arrow Notation
-dryrun option ([dryrun option ...

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