Looping Statements

Perl has a while statement that’s very similar to C’s. The basic syntax is

while (condition) {
    # Body of the loop which is executed when "condition" is true 

The last statement exits a loop, much like a C break statement. For example, Listing 2.8 computes the square of the first 10 integers.

Listing 2.8. square.pl
use strict; 
use warnings; 

my $number = 1;    # The number we are looking at 
my $square;        # The square of the number 

while (1) {
    $square = $number ** 2; 
    print "$number squared is $square\n"; 
    if ($number > 10) {

To start a loop over, use the next statement. This is the equivalent of the C statement continue.

The for Statement

The for statement in Perl works much like the C version. It has three ...

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