Processing Server Logs


You need to summarize your server logs, but you don’t have a customizable program to do it.


Parse the error log yourself with regular expressions, or use the Logfile modules from CPAN.


Example 20.9 is a sample report generator for an Apache weblog.

Example 20-9. sumwww

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # sumwww - summarize web server log activity $lastdate = ""; daily_logs(); summary(); exit; # read CLF files and tally hits from the host and to the URL sub daily_logs { while (<>) { ($type, $what) = /"(GET|POST)\s+(\S+?) \S+"/ or next; ($host, undef, undef, $datetime) = split; ($bytes) = /\s(\d+)\s*$/ or next; ($date) = ($datetime =~ /\[([^:]*)/); $posts += ($type eq POST); $home++ if m, / ,; if ($date ne $lastdate) { if ($lastdate) { write_report() } else { $lastdate = $date } } $count++; $hosts{$host}++; $what{$what}++; $bytesum += $bytes; } write_report() if $count; } # use *typeglob aliasing of global variables for cheap copy sub summary { $lastdate = "Grand Total"; *count = *sumcount; *bytesum = *bytesumsum; *hosts = *allhosts; *posts = *allposts; *what = *allwhat; *home = *allhome; write; } # display the tallies of hosts and URLs, using formats sub write_report { write; # add to summary data $lastdate = $date; $sumcount += $count; $bytesumsum += $bytesum; $allposts += $posts; $allhome += $home; # reset daily data $posts = $count = $bytesum = $home = 0; @allwhat{keys %what} = keys %what; @allhosts{keys %hosts} = keys %hosts; %hosts = %what ...

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