Reading from Many Filehandles Without Blocking


You want to learn whether input is available to be read, rather than blocking for input as < > does. This is useful when reading from pipes, sockets, devices, and other programs.


Use select with a timeout value of seconds, if you’re comfortable with manipulating bit-vectors representing file descriptor sets:

$rin = '';
# repeat next line for all filehandles to poll
vec($rin, fileno(FH1), 1) = 1;
vec($rin, fileno(FH2), 1) = 1;
vec($rin, fileno(FH3), 1) = 1;

$nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0);
if ($nfound) {
  # input waiting on one or more of those 3 filehandles
  if (vec($rout,fileno(FH1),1)) { 
      # do something with FH1
  if (vec($rout,fileno(FH2),1)) {
      # do something with FH2
  if (vec($rout,fileno(FH3),1)) {
      # do something with FH3

The IO::Select module provides an abstraction to hide the bit-vector operations:

use IO::Select;

$select = IO::Select->new();
# repeat next line for all filehandles to poll
if (@ready = $select->can_read(0)) {
    # input waiting on the filehandles in @ready


The select function is really two functions in one. If you call it with one argument, you change the current default output filehandle (see Section 7.12). If you call it with four arguments, it tells you which filehandles have input waiting or are ready to receive output. This recipe only deals with four-argument select.

The first three arguments to select are strings containing bit-vectors. Each ...

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