Parsing Dates and Times from Strings


You read in a date or time specification in an arbitrary format but need to convert that string into distinct year, month, etc. values.


If your date is already numeric, or in a rigid and easily parsed format, use a regular expression (and possibly a hash mapping month names to numbers) to extract individual day, month, and year values, and then use the standard Time::Local module’s timelocal and timegm functions to turn that into an Epoch seconds value.

use Time::Local;
# $date is "1998-06-03" (YYYY-MM-DD form).
($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = ($date =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/);
# calculate epoch seconds at midnight on that day in this timezone
$epoch_seconds = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $dd, $mm, $yyyy);

For a more flexible solution, use the ParseDate function provided by the CPAN module Date::Manip, and then use UnixDate to extract the individual values.

use Date::Manip qw(ParseDate UnixDate);
$date = ParseDate($STRING);
if (!$date) {
    # bad date
} else {
    @VALUES = UnixDate($date, @FORMATS);


The flexible ParseDate function accepts many formats. It even converts strings like “today”, “2 weeks ago Friday”, and “2nd Sunday in 1996”, and understands the date and time format used in mail and news headers. It returns the decoded date in its own format: a string of the form “YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS”. You can compare two such strings to compare the dates they represent, but arithmetic is difficult. For this reason, we use the UnixDate function to extract ...

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