

! (bang), !=, !
! (not), !
!= (not equal), !=
# (hash sign), Statements
$ sigil, Variables and Context
% (modulus) operator, Arithmetic Operators, %, %=
% (percent sign), %, %=
% sigil, Hashlist context
%= (modulus assignment), %, %=
%flags hash, Variadic Parameters
& (ampersand), &&, &, &=
& (bitwise AND) instruction (PIR), &, &=
&& (logical AND)
opcode, &&
operator, Logical Operators
&= (bitwise AND assignment) instruction (PIR), &, &=
* (asterisk), *, *=, **
* (multiplication)
opcode, *, *=
operator, Arithmetic Operators
** (exponentiation)
opcode, **
operator, Arithmetic Operators
*= (multiplication assignment), *, *=
+ (addition)
opcode, +, +=
operator, Arithmetic Operators
+ (plus sign), +, +=
++ (postfix autoincrement) operators, Arithmetic Operators
+= (addition assignment), +, +=
- (hyphen), -, -=
- (negation), -, -=
- (subtraction)
opcode, -, -=
operator, Arithmetic Operators
- - (autodecrement) operators, Arithmetic Operators
-= (subtraction assignment), -, -=
/ (division)
operator, Arithmetic Operators
// operator, Deferred Matches
:= (binding) operator, Assignment and Binding
< (left angle bracket), <, <=, <<, <<=
< (less than), <
<. . .> (assertion delimiters), Deferred Matches
<< (bitwise left shift), <<, <<=
<<= (bitwise left shift assignment), <<, <<=
<= (less than or equal), <=
= (assignment) instruction (PIR), =
= (assignment) operator, Assignment and Binding
= (equal sign), =, = =
== (equality) instruction (PIR), = =
> (greater than), >
> (right angle bracket), >, >=, >>, >>=, >>>, >>>=
>= (greater ...

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