Chapter 9. Tuning WebSphere for Content Manager 267
To calculate the number of busy threads, subtract the number waiting
(Windows NT or 2000 Performance Monitor) from the total available
Use IBM HTTP Server server-status (this choice works on all platforms, not
just Windows NT or 2000):
a. Edit the IBM HTTP Server file httpd.conf as follows:
Remove the comment character “#” from the following lines:
- #LoadModule status_module modules/ApacheModuleStatus.dll
- #<Location /server-status>
- #SetHandler server-status
- #</Location>
b. Save the changes and restart the IBM HTTP server.
c. In a Web browser, go to http://yourhost/server-status and click
Reload to update status. Or, if the browser supports refresh, go to
http://yourhost/server-status?refresh=5 to refresh every 5 seconds.
You will see five requests currently being processed, and 45 idle servers.
Our recommendation
Set the value to the expected number of concurrent users. Monitor your system
during normal workload to see whether this value should be changed.
Be sure that this value is high enough for your site if you get a lot of hits. Allow
just enough traffic through to the application server to prevent bottlenecks.
9.4.9 Pending connections queue length (ListenBackLog)
When several clients request connections to the IBM HTTP server, and all
threads are being used, a queue exists to hold additional client requests. The
ListenBackLog directive sets the maximum length for the queue of pending
connections. However, if you are using the default Fast Response Cache
Accelerator (FRCA) feature, the ListenBackLog directive is not used because
FRCA has its own internal queue.
This is often limited to a smaller number by the operating system. This varies
from operating system to operating system. Also note that many operating
systems do not use exactly what is specified as the backlog, but instead use a
number based on (but normally larger than) what is set.
Default values
511 with FRCA disabled
1024 with FRCA enabled

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