260 Performance Tuning for Content Manager
To display the current values for all limitations on system resources, use the
following command:
ulimit -a
Our recommendation
The default setting is typically sufficient for most applications. If the value set for
this parameter is too low, a memory-allocation error is displayed. This error
occurs when a cluster of four clones is run on an S80 24-way and the ulimit value
should be changed to unlimited.
See 7.3.1, “Configure appropriate ulimit” on page 157 for additional discussion
about default values for ulimit.
9.3.4 Duration of an active connection (TCP_KEEPIDLE)
The keepAlive packet ensures that a connection stays in an
active/ESTABLISHED state.
Default value
14400 milliseconds
How to view or set
Use the no command to determine the current value or to set the value. The
change takes effect immediately. The change is effective until the next time you
restart the machine. To permanently change the value, add the no command to
the /etc/rc.net directory. For example:
no -o tcp_keepidle=600
Our recommendation
600 milliseconds
9.4 Web server tuning
Tuning IBM HTTP Server increases the throughput while balancing the system
resources. WebSphere Application Server provides plug-ins for several Web
server brands and versions. Each Web server operating system combination has
specific tuning parameters that affect application performance.
IBM HTTP Server settings are set in the configuration file called httpd.conf, which
is normally located on UNIX under /usr/IBMHttpServer/conf directory, and on

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