232 Performance Tuning for Content Manager
8.6.24 Statement heap size (STMTHEAP)
DB - Medium
The statement heap is used as a work space for the SQL compiler during
compilation of an SQL statement. This parameter specifies the size of this work
This area does not stay permanently allocated, but is allocated and released for
every SQL statement handled. Note that for dynamic SQL statements, this work
area will be used during execution of your program. For static SQL statements, it
is used during the bind process, but not during program execution.
Default values (range)
2,048 pages (128 - 65,535) 4-KB pages
To update
Run the following DB2 command:
db2 update db cfg for <database name> using STMTHEAP <parameter value>
Our recommendation
The Content Manager installation program changes this value to 16,384 for the
Library Server database.
We recommend using this default value. If your application uses very large SQL
statements and an error occurs when optimizing a statement (stating that the
statement is too complex), increase this value in increments (such as 256 or
1024) until the error situation is resolved.
8.6.25 Query heap size (QUERY_HEAP_SZ)
DBM - Medium
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated
for the query heap. A query heap is used to store each query in the agent’s
private memory. The information for each query consists of the input and output
SQLDA, the statement text, the SQLCA, the package name, creator, section
number, and consistency token. When an application (either local or remote)
connects to the database, query heap is allocated. When the application
Chapter 8. Tuning DB2 for Content Manager 233
disconnects from the database or detaches from the instance, it is freed. This
parameter ensures that an application does not consume unnecessarily large
amounts of virtual memory within an agent.
The query heap is also used for the memory allocated for blocking cursors. This
memory consists of a cursor control block and a fully resolved output SQLDA.
The initial allocated query heap will be the same size as the application support
layer heap, as specified by the ASLHEAPSZ parameter. The query heap size
must be greater than or equal to 2, and must be greater than or equal to the
ASLHEAPSZ parameter. If this query heap is not large enough to handle a given
request, it will be reallocated to the size required by the request (not exceeding
QUERY_HEAP_SZ). If this new query heap is more than 1.5 times larger than
ASLHEAPSZ, the query heap will be reallocated to the size of ASLHEAPSZ
when the query ends.
Default values (range)
1,000 (2 – 524,288) 4-KB pages
To update
Run the following DB2 command:
db2 update dbm cfg using QUERY_HEAP_SZ <parameter value>
Our recommendation
The Content Manager installation program changes this value to 32,768 during
the Library Server installation, and the program changes the value to 16,384
during the Resource Manager installation. If you install both servers on the same
machine and on the same instance, the value set by the Resource Manager
installation will be used for both servers. You should change the value back to
Use this value initially. If you have memory constraints, reduce the value — but
not lower than five times the value of the ASLHEAPSZ
. This will allow for queries
larger than ASLHEAPSZ and provides additional memory for three or four
blocking cursors to be open at a given time.
If you have very large LOBs, you might need to increase the value of this
parameter for the query heap to be large enough to accommodate those LOBs.

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