Chapter 11. The Best Phrases for Planning, Administration, and Organization

As employees pursue challenging goals, they may be bursting with energy and enthusiasm, but their performance can fall terribly short because of issues related to planning, administration, and organization. Such matters are often regarded solely as managerial functions, but the truth is that, every day, employees at every job level are taking specific actions in these arenas, along with numerous related actions to keep their work on track, on target, and on time.

In addition to feedback that is targeted on the employees' planning and organizing skills, there is a real need for feedback in such related areas as managing, meeting deadlines, sticking to schedules, watching costs, establishing goals, and adjusting to change. Feedback in each of these areas provides employees with recognition where due, as well as with direction and encouragement where needed.

Because much of the information that employees receive on matters of planning and organizing is in written form, it's particularly important for written feedback in this area to be clear, focused, and functional. Employees have a wide range of planning and organizational responsibilities, and this chapter provides an equally wide range of performance appraisal phrases to cover employees' performance ...

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