Preface to the Fourth Edition

Renée Françoise Zakia

See the leaves, Bint? They’re dancing.

Richard (Rashid) Zakia

Writing the preface to a book on perceiving the world by my father and best friend is no small task. While I know how well-respected Richard (Dick) Zakia was in his chosen field, to me he was always Bayi (Dad), the one who taught me to see.

When I was a little girl, Bayi walked me to school every day. On our walks, he delighted in all that nature showed us: dancing leaves, snowflakes, sunlight casting shadows, the contrast of colorful flowers. He was available to me always, in adulthood as well as in childhood, with love and wisdom. He set aside all work and its accolades to spend time with me and my children: to be, unobtrusively, ...

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