
1. Alexander Graham Bell, granted US patent number 174,465 for “improvements in telegraphy”, March 7, 1876.

2. Almon Strowger granted US patent number 0,447,918 for “automatic telephone exchange”, March 10, 1891.

3. Squirer M.G.O. The invention of “Wired Wireless” telephony and telegraphy, extract from the laboratory note book. Signal Corps Laboratory; September 30, 1910.

4. Major George O. Squirer, granted US patent number 980,356;980,357;980,358 and 980,359 for “multiplex telephony and telegraphy”, January 3, 1911.

5. Nyquist H. Certain topics in Telegraph Transmission Theory. Physical Reviews. 1928;32:110.

6. Shannon E.C. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. The Bell System Technical Journal. July–October, 1948;27:379–423.

7. Kleinrock L.  ...

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