AppendixPeak Managerial Assessment

Peak Managerial Assessment

Behind every managerial decision or action are assumptions about human nature and human behavior.

- Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise

What level of the pyramid do you pay attention to as a manager? Answer the following questions to indicate how frequently or infrequently you engage in each behavior.

_____ I understand and can communicate how my organization's compensation package ranks vis-à-vis our competitors'.
_____ I encourage socialization and host unique events to help employees feel more connected to each other and their workplace.
_____ I initiate conversations with my employees about their role and responsibilities and how they might wish to modify them in order to feel more fulfilled by their jobs.
_____ I educate and coach managers on the importance and value of informal recognition.
_____ I initiate discussions with senior management regarding employee compensation packages, including nonmonetary incentives.
_____ I know each of my employees' life aspirations or what their sense of calling might be.
_____ I have introduced a way that employees (on my team or in my department) can express appreciation and recognition for one another.
_____ I am aware of employees' current states ...

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