Chapter 17. Creating Simple JavaScripts

In Chapter 16, we started off this part on JavaScript with some basic fundamentals for the novice programmer. We're going to take this entire Part V on JavaScript slow and easy and continue the pace we started in Chapter 16.

We get to more advanced JavaScripting in Chapters 18 and 19. For now, let's look at some sample code. In this chapter, we cover writing JavaScript code with just a few lines to create some scripts that can be used by all forms designers and can help you polish your Acrobat forms before deploying them. Most of the scripts in this chapter are written with just two lines of code that anyone at any level of programming expertise can duplicate.

We won't get too complicated here, so again, if you're not inclined to become a programmer, you'll find some useful lines of code that you can simply copy and paste without having to completely understand JavaScript. If you're more interested in results without the theory, this chapter is for you.


All the scripts involved in steps in this chapter can be added on the two forms you find in the Chapter 17 folder on the book's CD-ROM. We added comments on the forms containing the JavaScript code referred to in the text in this chapter. When you follow the steps in this chapter, try to write the code by duplicating the text in the JavaScript Editor. If you get into ...

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