Our Picks

State-of-the-art for 3D video adapters changes more quickly than for any other PC technology. If you buy a $300 bleeding-edge 3D adapter that’s the fastest on the market today, that adapter will have only midrange performance in six months, and entry-level performance within a year.

ATI and n VIDIA vie constantly for the title of world’s fastest 3D adapter, one-upping each other frequently. In general, except when one or the other introduces an entirely new chipset, the fastest current ATI and nVIDIA 3D video adapters have performance within a few percent of each other. Which one is fastest depends on which benchmark you believe, which 3D applications and games you run, and what resolution you run them at. And the truth is that any reasonably recent ATI or nVIDIA 3D accelerator is more than fast enough for any but the most intense 3D games.

Of the two, we used to prefer nVIDIA because ATI drivers were often quite poor. In the last year or so, we’ve come to prefer ATI overall. ATI has greatly improved their drivers—ATI 3D performance matches or beats comparable nVIDIA cards, ATI 2D graphics and text are of noticeably better quality than that of nVIDIA, and ATI video capture functions are far superior to those of nVIDIA. In short, if all you want to do with a video adapter is play 3D games, it’s probably a toss-up between the latest models from ATI and nVIDIA. But if you also want to use the video adapter for web browsing, email, and other typical productivity applications, ...

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