23 Architecting Application User Interfaces


  • An introduction to the UI challenges involved in loosely coupled, distributed, and nondistributed Domain-Driven Design (DDD) systems
  • An example of building a UI that pulls in content from multiple bounded contexts that run as a single application
  • An example of building a UI that pulls in content from distributed bounded contexts

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Customers mostly care about the user interface of your application. If it looks compelling and allows them to achieve what they want, such as finding the perfect holiday, they will be happy to spend lots of money. But getting the UI right is more than just about letting designers come up with eye candy. There are significant engineering challenges tied to the performance, scalability, and loose coupling of your behind-the-scenes bounded contexts.

One of the fundamental engineering challenges of a UI is pulling together all the data. For an e-commerce application, you may want to show catalog items, prices, shipping options, special offers, and other types of information on a single page. You know from Part II of this book, “Strategic Patterns: Communicating Between Bounded Contexts” that with event-driven applications, ...

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