Checking Out Diagrams in the Practitioner Exam

If you’re just focusing on the Foundation exam at the moment, you may prefer to skip this section and move on to the practice questions. If you’re going for Practitioner, you may find this part helpful.

Some Practitioner exam questions on product planning are based on supplied diagrams of which one or more contain errors. You then have to answer questions to say whether there’s an error in a particular part of the diagram. The lists here are to help you check that you really know how the diagrams should behave and so be sure that you can spot errors quickly and reel in the marks.

The most common exam approach, to date, has been to supply a Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) and a Product Flow Diagram (PFD) and say that the PBS is correct. You’re then required to find errors in the PFD, some of which are based on inconsistencies with the correct PBS. However, be well prepared for a faulty PBS as well, so you can handle any question based on errors in either or both diagrams. To check the diagrams, make sure you understand each of the following lists.

Checking a Product Breakdown Structure

These are the key points you need to cover when you analyse a PBS to find errors:

checkbox Is the top box the whole project – the ‘project product’?

checkbox Do the ...

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