
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicates boxes, f indicates figures and t indicates tables.


Accelerators 147–148, 153, 193, 203
AccFill_ex2 8–9
AccList’s constructor 91–92, 92b
building and running 109–110b
example 107b
with fundamental type 108b
source for 102–103b
AccList update methods 93–94
Acc_map_data method 98, 99b
AccParaCounter.cpp 22–24, 22f
AccParaRNG.cpp code 24, 25–27f
AccTask.cpp code 15–16
Advanced vector extensions (AVX) instructions 227–229, 228f
Alpha-carbons 221
Amdahl’s law and scaling 11–16
Array-of-structures (AOS) 220–222, 225
Assert() 3
Asynchronous execution 76–77
Atmospheric model 270–271, 270–271f
Auto clause 113–115, 115f
Automatic arrays removal  ...

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