Chapter 9. Cancellation and Timeouts

In an interactive application, it is often important for one thread to interrupt the execution of another thread after the occurrence of some particular condition. Some examples of this kind of behavior include the following:

  • When the user clicks the “stop” button in a web browser, the browser may need to interrupt several activities, such as a thread downloading the page, a thread rendering the page, and a thread running scripts.
  • A server application typically wants to give a client a set amount of time to issue a request before closing its connection, so as to avoid letting dormant connections use up resources.
  • An application that has a thread running a user interface and a separate thread performing some compute-intensive task (say, generating a visualization of some data) needs to interrupt the computation when the user changes the parameters via the user interface.

The crucial design decision in supporting cancellation is whether the intended victim should have to poll for the cancellation condition or whether the thread is immediately cancelled in some way. This is a tradeoff:

  1. If the thread has to poll, then there is a danger that the programmer may forget to poll regularly enough, and the thread will become unresponsive, perhaps permanently so. Unresponsive threads lead to hangs and deadlocks, which are particularly unpleasant from a user’s perspective.
  2. If cancellation happens asynchronously, critical sections that modify state need to be protected from cancellation. Otherwise, cancellation may occur mid-update, leaving some data in an inconsistent state.

In fact, the choice is really between doing only (1) or doing both (1) and (2), because if (2) is the default, protecting a critical section amounts to switching to polling behavior for the duration of the critical section.

In most imperative languages, it is unthinkable for (2) to be the default, because so much code modifies state. Haskell has a distinct advantage in this area because most code is purely functional, so it can be safely aborted or suspended and later resumed without affecting correctness. Moreover, our hand is forced: by definition, purely functional code cannot poll for the cancellation condition, so it must be cancellable by default.

Therefore, fully asynchronous cancellation is the only sensible default in Haskell, and the design problem reduces to deciding how cancellation is handled by code in the IO monad.

Asynchronous Exceptions

Exceptions are already a fact of life in the IO monad, and the usual idioms for writing IO monad code include using functions like bracket and finally to acquire and release resources in a reliable way (see Exceptions in Haskell). We would like bracket to work even if a thread is cancelled, so cancellation should behave like an exception. However, there’s a fundamental difference between the kind of exception thrown by openFile when the file does not exist, for example, and an exception that may arise at any time because the user pressed the “stop” button. We call the latter kind an asynchronous exception because it is asynchronous from the point of view of the “victim”; they didn’t ask for it. Conversely, exceptions thrown using the normal throw and throwIO are called synchronous exceptions.

To initiate an asynchronous exception, Haskell provides the throwTo primitive, which throws an exception from one thread to another:

throwTo :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> IO ()

As with synchronous exceptions, the type of the exception must be an instance of the Exception class. The ThreadId is a value returned by a previous call to forkIO, and may refer to a thread in any state: running, blocked, or finished (in the latter case, throwTo is a no-op).

To illustrate the use of throwTo, we now elaborate on the example from Error Handling with Async, in which we downloaded several web pages concurrently, to allow the user to hit 'q' at any time to stop the downloads.

First, we will extend our Async mini-API to allow cancellation. We add one operation:

cancel :: Async a -> IO ()

This cancels an existing Async. If the operation has already completed, then cancel has no effect.

To implement cancel, we need the ThreadId of the thread running the Async, so we must store that in the Async type along with the MVar that holds the result. Hence the Async type now looks like:

data Async a = Async ThreadId (MVar (Either SomeException a))

Given this, the implementation of cancel just throws an exception to the thread:

cancel :: Async a -> IO ()
cancel (Async t var) = throwTo t ThreadKilled

The ThreadKilled exception is provided by the Control.Exception library and is typically used for cancelling threads in this way.)

For the example, we will need waitCatch, which has the same implementation it had in Error Handling with Async. What happens if we call waitCatch on an Async that has been cancelled? In that case, cancel throws the ThreadKilled exception to the thread, so waitCatch will return Left ThreadKilled.

The remaining piece of the implementation is the async operation, which must now store the ThreadId returned by forkIO in the Async constructor:

async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async action = do
   m <- newEmptyMVar
   t <- forkIO (do r <- try action; putMVar m r)
   return (Async t m)

Now we can change the main function of the example to support cancelling the downloads:


main = do
  as <- mapM (async . timeDownload) sites                     -- 1

  forkIO $ do                                                 -- 2
     hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
     forever $ do
        c <- getChar
        when (c == 'q') $ mapM_ cancel as

  rs <- mapM waitCatch as                                     -- 3
  printf "%d/%d succeeded\n" (length (rights rs)) (length rs) -- 4

Starts the downloads as before.


Forks a new thread that repeatedly reads characters from the standard input and if a q is found, calls cancel on all the Asyncs.


Waits for all the results (complete or cancelled).


Emits a summary with a count of how many of the operations completed successfully. If we run the sample and hit q fast enough, we see something like this:

downloaded: (14538 bytes, 0.17s)
downloaded: (24740 bytes, 0.22s)
q2/5 finished

Note that this works even though the program is sitting atop a large and complicated HTTP library that provides no direct support for either cancellation or asynchronous I/O. Haskell’s support for cancellation is modular in this respect; most library code needs to do nothing to support it, although there are some simple and unintrusive rules that need to be followed when dealing with state, as we shall see in the next section.

Masking Asynchronous Exceptions

As we mentioned earlier, the danger with fully asynchronous exceptions is that one might fire while we are in the middle of updating some shared state, leaving the data in an inconsistent state, and with a high probability of leading to mayhem later. Hence, we certainly need a way to control the delivery of asynchronous exceptions during critical sections. But we must tread carefully: a natural idea is to provide operations to turn off asynchronous exception delivery and turn it on again, but this is not what we really need.

Consider the following problem: a thread wishes to call takeMVar, perform an operation depending on the value of the MVar, and finally put the result of the operation in the MVar. The code must be responsive to asynchronous exceptions, but it should be safe. If an asynchronous exception arrives after the takeMVar but before the final putMVar, the MVar should not be left empty. Instead, the original value should be restored.

If we code this problem using the facilities we’ve seen so far, we might end up with something like the following function problem, which takes two arguments—m, an MVar to modify, and f, a function that takes the current value of the MVar—and computes a new value in the IO monad.

problem :: MVar a -> (a -> IO a) -> IO ()
problem m f = do
  a <- takeMVar m                                 -- 1
  r <- f a `catch` \e -> do putMVar m a; throw e  -- 2
  putMVar m r                                     -- 3

There are at least two points where, if an asynchronous exception strikes, the invariant will be violated. If an exception strikes between 1 and 2 or between 2 and 3, the MVar will be left empty. In fact, there is no way to shuffle around the exception handlers to ensure the MVar is always left full. To fix this problem, Haskell provides the mask combinator:[34]

mask :: ((IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b

The mask operation defers the delivery of asynchronous exceptions for the duration of its argument. The type might look a bit confusing, but bear with me. First, I’ll show an example of mask in use and then explain how it works:[35]

problem :: MVar a -> (a -> IO a) -> IO ()
problem m f = mask $ \restore -> do
  a <- takeMVar m
  r <- restore (f a) `catch` \e -> do putMVar m a; throw e
  putMVar m r

mask is applied to a function, which takes as its argument a function restore. The restore function can be used to restore the delivery of asynchronous exceptions to its present state during execution of the argument to mask. If we imagine shading the entire argument to mask except for the expression (f a), asynchronous exceptions cannot be raised in the shaded portions.

This solves the problem that we had previously because now an exception can be raised only while (f a) is working, and we have an exception handler to catch any exceptions in that case. But a new problem has been introduced: takeMVar might block for a long time, but it is inside the mask so the thread will be unresponsive during that time. Furthermore, there’s no good reason to mask exceptions during takeMVar; it would be safe for exceptions to be raised right up until the point where takeMVar returns. Hence, this is exactly the behavior that Haskell defines for takeMVar: a small number of operations, including takeMVar, are designated as interruptible. Interruptible operations may receive asynchronous exceptions even inside mask.

What justifies this choice? Think of mask as “switching to polling mode” for asynchronous exceptions. Inside a mask, asynchronous exceptions are no longer asynchronous, but they can still be raised by certain operations. In other words, asynchronous exceptions become synchronous inside mask.

All operations that may block indefinitely are designated as interruptible.[36] This turns out to be the ideal behavior in many situations, as in the previous problem example.

The observant reader may spot a new flaw. The putMVar function can also block indefinitely, so the definition of interruptible includes putMVar, and therefore the problem function above is still unsafe because an asynchronous exception could be raised by either putMVar.

However, thanks to a subtlety in the precise definition of interruptibility, we are still safe. An interruptible operation may receive an asynchronous exception only if it actually blocks. In the case of problem above, we know the MVar is definitely empty when we call putMVar, so putMVar cannot block, which means that it is not interruptible.

How do we know that the MVar is definitely empty? Strictly speaking, we don’t, because another thread might call putMVar on the same MVar after the takeMVar call in problem. The guarantee therefore relies on the MVar being operated in a consistent way, where every operation consists of takeMVar followed by putMVar. This is a common requirement for many MVar operations—a particular use of MVar comes with a protocol that operations must follow or risk a deadlock.


When you really need to call an interruptible function but can’t afford the possibility that an asynchronous exception might be raised, there is a last resort:

uninterruptibleMask :: ((IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b

This works just like mask, except that interruptible operations may not receive asynchronous exceptions. Be very careful with uninterruptibleMask; accidental misuse may leave your application unresponsive. Every instance of uninterruptibleMask should be treated with the utmost suspicion.


For debugging, it is sometimes handy to be able to find out whether the current thread is in the mask state or not. The Control.Exception library provides a useful function for this purpose:

getMaskingState :: IO MaskingState

data MaskingState
  = Unmasked
  | MaskedInterruptible
  | MaskedUninterruptible

The getMaskingState function returns one of the following constructors:

The current thread is not inside mask or uninterruptibleMask.
The current thread is inside mask.
The current thread is inside uninterruptibleMask.

We can provide higher-level combinators to insulate programmers from the need to use mask directly. For example, the earlier problem function has general applicability when working with MVars and is provided under the name modifyMVar_ in the Control.Concurrent.MVar library:

modifyMVar_ :: MVar a -> (a -> IO a) -> IO ()

There is also a variant that allows the operation to return a separate result in addition to the new contents of the MVar:

modifyMVar :: MVar a -> (a -> IO (a, b)) -> IO b

Here’s a simple example of modifyMVar, used to implement the classic “compare-and-swap” operation:

casMVar :: Eq a => MVar a -> a -> a -> IO Bool
casMVar m old new =
  modifyMVar m $ \cur ->
    if cur == old
       then return (new,True)
       else return (cur,False)

The casMVar function takes an MVar, an old value, and a new value. If the current contents of the MVar are equal to old, then it is replaced by new and cas returns True; otherwise it is left unmodified and cas returns False.

Working on multiple MVars is possible by nesting calls to modifyMVar. For example, here is a function that modifies the contents of two MVars safely:


modifyTwo :: MVar a -> MVar b -> (a -> b -> IO (a,b)) -> IO ()
modifyTwo ma mb f =
  modifyMVar_ mb $ \b ->
    modifyMVar ma $ \a -> f a b

If this blocks in the inner modifyMVar and an exception is raised, then the outer modifyMVar_ will restore the contents of the MVar it took.


When taking two or more MVars, always take them in the same order. Otherwise, your program is likely to deadlock. We’ll discuss this problem in more detail in Chapter 10.

The bracket Operation

We saw the bracket function earlier; in fact, bracket is defined with mask to make it safe in the presence of asynchronous exceptions:

bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket before after thing =
  mask $ \restore -> do
    a <- before
    r <- restore (thing a) `onException` after a
    _ <- after a
    return r

The IO actions passed in as before and after are performed inside mask. The bracket function guarantees that if before returns, after will be executed in the future. It is normal for before to contain a blocking operation; if an exception is raised while before is blocked, then no harm is done. But before should perform only one blocking operation. An exception raised by a second blocking operation would not result in after being executed. If you need to perform two blocking operations, the right way is to nest calls to bracket, as we did with modifyMVar.

Something else to watch out for here is using blocking operations in after. If you need to do this, then be aware that your blocking operation is interruptible and might receive an asynchronous exception.

Asynchronous Exception Safety for Channels

In most MVar code, we can use operations like modifyMVar_ instead of takeMVar and putMVar to make our code safe in the presence of asynchronous exceptions. For example, consider the buffered channels that we defined in MVar as a Building Block: Unbounded Channels. As defined, the operations are not safe in the presence of asynchronous exceptions. For example, readChan was defined like this:

readChan :: Chan a -> IO a
readChan (Chan readVar _) = do
  stream <- takeMVar readVar
  Item val new <- readMVar stream
  putMVar readVar new
  return val

If an asynchronous exception occurs after the first takeMVar, then the readVar will be left empty and subsequent readers of the Chan will deadlock. To make it safe, we could use modifyMVar:


readChan :: Chan a -> IO a
readChan (Chan readVar _) = do
  modifyMVar readVar $ \stream -> do
    Item val tail <- readMVar stream
    return (tail, val)

However, this isn’t enough on its own. Remember that readMVar is defined like this:

readMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
readMVar m = do
  a <- takeMVar m
  putMVar m a
  return a

So it is possible that an exception arrives between the takeMVar and the putMVar in readMVar, which would leave the MVar empty. Hence we also need to use a safe readMVar here. There are a few approaches that work. One would be to use modifyMVar again to restore the original value. Another approach is to use a variant of modifyMVar:

withMVar :: MVar a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b

This is like modifyMVar but does not change the contents of the MVar, and so would be more direct for the purposes of readMVar.

The simplest approach, and the one used by the Control.Concurrent.MVar library itself, is just to protect readMVar with a mask:

readMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
readMVar m =
  mask_ $ do
    a <- takeMVar m
    putMVar m a
    return a

Here mask_ is like mask, but it doesn’t pass a restore function. We can get away with this simple definition because unlike modifyMVar, there is no operation to perform between the takeMVar and putMVar, and so no exception handler is required.

With writeChan, we have to be a little careful. Here is the original definition:

writeChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
writeChan (Chan _ writeVar) val = do
  newHole <- newEmptyMVar
  oldHole <- takeMVar writeVar
  putMVar oldHole (Item val newHole)
  putMVar writeVar newHole

To make the code exception-safe, our first thought might be to try this:

wrongWriteChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
wrongWriteChan (Chan _ writeVar) val = do
  newHole <- newEmptyMVar
  modifyMVar_ writeVar $ \oldHole -> do
    putMVar oldHole (Item val newHole)  -- 1
    return newHole                      -- 2

But that doesn’t work because an asynchronous exception could strike between 1 and 2. This would leave the old_hole full and writeVar pointing to it, which violates the invariants of the data structure. Hence we need to prevent that possibility too, and the simplest way is just to mask_ the whole sequence:

writeChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
writeChan (Chan _ writeVar) val = do
  newHole <- newEmptyMVar
  mask_ $ do
    oldHole <- takeMVar writeVar
    putMVar oldHole (Item val newHole)
    putMVar writeVar newHole

Note that the two putMVars are both guaranteed not to block, so they are not interruptible.


A useful illustration of programming with asynchronous exceptions is to write a function that can impose a time limit on a given action. We want to provide the timeout wrapper as a combinator of the following type:

timeout :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)

Where timeout t m has the following behavior:

  1. timeout t m behaves exactly like fmap Just m, if m returns a result or raises an exception (including an asynchronous exception) within t microseconds.
  2. Otherwise, m is sent an asynchronous exception of the form Timeout u. Timeout is a new data type that we define, and u is a unique value of type Unique, distinguishing this particular instance of timeout from any other. The call to timeout then returns Nothing.

The implementation is not expected to implement real-time semantics, so in practice the timeout will only approximate the requested t microseconds. Note that (1) requires that m is executed in the context of the current thread because m could call myThreadId, for example. Also, another thread throwing an exception to the current thread with throwTo will expect to interrupt m. It should be possible to nest timeouts, with the expected behavior.

The code for timeout, shown below, was taken from the library System.Timeout (with some cosmetic changes for presentation here). The implementation is tricky to get right. The basic idea is to fork a new thread that will wait for t microseconds and then call throwTo to throw the Timeout exception back to the original thread; that much seems straightforward enough. If the operation completes within the time limit, then we must ensure that this thread never throws its Timeout exception, so timeout must kill the thread before returning.


timeout t m
    | t <  0    = fmap Just m                           -- 1
    | t == 0    = return Nothing                        -- 2
    | otherwise = do
        pid <- myThreadId                               -- 3
        u <- newUnique                                  -- 4
        let ex = Timeout u                              -- 5
        handleJust                                      -- 6
           (\e -> if e == ex then Just () else Nothing) -- 7
           (\_ -> return Nothing)                       -- 8
           (bracket (forkIO $ do threadDelay t          -- 9
                                 throwTo pid ex)
                    (\tid -> throwTo tid ThreadKilled)  -- 10
                    (\_ -> fmap Just m))                -- 11

Here is how the implementation works, line by line:

1 2

Handle the easy cases, where the timeout is negative or zero.


Find the ThreadId of the current thread.

4 5

Make a new Timeout exception by generating a unique value with newUnique.


handleJust is an exception handler, with the following type:

handleJust :: Exception e
           => (e -> Maybe b) -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a
           -> IO a

The first argument to handleJust selects which exceptions to catch. We only want to catch a Timeout exception containing the unique value that we created earlier.


The second argument to handleJust is the exception handler, which in this case returns Nothing because timeout occurred.


The computation to run inside handleJust. Here, we fork the child thread, using bracket to ensure that the child thread is always killed before the timeout function returns. In the child thread, we wait for t microseconds with threadDelay and then throw the Timeout exception to the parent thread with throwTo.


Always kill the child thread before returning.


The body of bracket: run the computation m passed in as the second argument to timeout and wrap the result in Just.

I encourage you to verify that the implementation works by thinking through the two cases: either m completes and returns a value, or the child thread throws its exception while m is still working.

There is one other tricky case to consider: what happens if both the child thread and the parent thread try to call throwTo at the same time? Who wins?

The answer depends on the semantics of throwTo. In order for this implementation of timeout to work properly, the call to bracket must not be able to return while the Timeout exception can still be thrown; otherwise, the exception can leak. Hence, the call to throwTo that kills the child thread must be synchronous. Once this call returns, the child thread cannot throw its exception anymore. Indeed, this guarantee is provided by the semantics of throwTo. A call to throwTo returns only after the exception has been raised in the target thread. Hence throwTo may block if the child thread is currently masking asynchronous exceptions with mask, and because throwTo may block, it is therefore interruptible and may itself receive asynchronous exceptions.

Returning to our “who wins” question above, the answer is “exactly one of them,” and that is precisely what we require to ensure the correct behavior of timeout.

Catching Asynchronous Exceptions

Once thrown, an asynchronous exception propagates like a normal exception and can be caught by catch and the other exception-handling functions from Control.Exception. Suppose we catch an asynchronous exception and want to perform some operation as a result, but before we can do that, another asynchronous exception is received by the current thread, interrupting the first exception handler. This is undesirable: if asynchronous exceptions can interrupt exception handlers, it is hard to guarantee anything about cleanup actions performed in the event of an exception, for example.

We could fix the problem by wrapping all our calls to catch with a mask and restore pair, like so:

  mask $ \restore ->
    restore action `catch` handler

And indeed some of our calls to catch already look like this. But since we almost always want asynchronous exceptions masked inside an exception handler, Haskell does it automatically for you, without having to use an explicit mask. After you return from the exception handler, exceptions are unmasked again.

There is one important pitfall to be aware of here: it is easy to accidentally remain inside the implicit mask by tail-calling out of an exception handler. Here’s an example program to illustrate the problem: the program takes a list of filenames on the command line and counts the number of lines in each file, ignoring files that do not exist.


main = do
  fs <- getArgs
     loop !n [] = return n
     loop !n (f:fs)
        = handle (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
                           then loop n fs
                           else throwIO e) $
               getMaskingState >>= print
               h <- openFile f ReadMode
               s <- hGetContents h
               loop (n + length (lines s)) fs

  n <- loop 0 fs
  print n

The loop function recursively walks down the list of filenames, attempting to open and read each one, and keeping track of the total lines so far in the first argument n. For each filename, first we call handle to set up an exception handler. If the exception handler catches an exception that satisfies isDoesNotExistError (from System.IO.Error), indicating that the file we tried to open did not exist, the exception handler recursively calls loop to look at the rest of the files.

This program works, but it has a problem that is revealed by the getMaskingState call. Suppose we run the program with a couple of filenames that don’t exist:

$ ./catch-mask xxx yyy

The first time around the loop, we are in the Unmasked state, as expected, but the second iteration of loop reports that we are now MaskedInterruptible! This is clearly suboptimal, because we didn’t intend to mask asynchronous exceptions for the second loop iteration.

The problem arose because we made a recursive call to loop from the exception handler; thus the recursive call is made inside the implicit mask of handle.

A better way to code this example is to use try instead:


main = do
  fs <- getArgs
     loop !n [] = return n
     loop !n (f:fs) = do
        getMaskingState >>= print
        r <- Control.Exception.try (openFile f ReadMode)
        case r of
          Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> loop n fs
                 | otherwise             -> throwIO e
          Right h -> do
            s <- hGetContents h
            loop (n + length (lines s)) fs

  n <- loop 0 fs
  print n

Now there is no exception handler as such (it is hidden inside try), so the recursive call to loop is not made within a mask. Moreover, we have narrowed the scope of the exception handling to just the openFile call, which is neater than before.

However, beware! If you need to handle asynchronous exceptions, it’s usually important for the exception handler to be inside a mask so that you don’t get interrupted by another asynchronous exception before you’ve finished dealing with the first one. For that reason, catch or handle might be more appropriate, because you can take advantage of the built-in mask. Just be careful to return from the exception handler rather than tail-calling out of it, to avoid the problem described above.

mask and forkIO

Let’s return to our Async API for a moment, and in particular the async function:

async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async action = do
   m <- newEmptyMVar
   t <- forkIO (do r <- try action; putMVar m r)
   return (Async t m)

In fact, there’s a bug here. If this Async is cancelled, and the exception strikes just after the try but before the putMVar, then the thread will die without putting anything into the MVar and the application will deadlock when it tries to wait for the result of this Async.

We could close this hole with a mask, but there’s another one: the exception might also arrive just before the try, with the same consequences. So how do we mask asynchronous exceptions in that small window between the thread being created and the call to try? Putting a call to mask inside the forkIO isn’t enough. There is still a possibility that the exception might be thrown even before mask is called.

For this reason, forkIO is specified to create a thread that inherits the masking state of the parent thread. This means that we can create a thread that is born in the masked state by wrapping the call to forkIO in a mask, for example:

async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async action = do
   m <- newEmptyMVar
   t <- mask $ \restore ->
          forkIO (do r <- try (restore action); putMVar m r)
   return (Async t m)

This pattern of performing some action when a thread has completed is fairly common, so we can embody it as a variant of forkIO:[37]

forkFinally :: IO a -> (Either SomeException a -> IO ()) -> IO ThreadId
forkFinally action fun =
  mask $ \restore ->
    forkIO (do r <- try (restore action); fun r)

The forkFinally function lets us simplify async:


async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async action = do
   m <- newEmptyMVar
   t <- forkFinally action (putMVar m)
   return (Async t m)

Now the API is safe. The rule of thumb is that any exception-handling function called as the first thing in a forkIO is better written using forkFinally. In particular, if you find yourself writing forkIO (x `finally` y), then write forkFinally x (\_ -> y) instead. Better still, use the Async API, which handles these details for you.[38]

Asynchronous Exceptions: Discussion

This chapter has been full of tricky and subtle details—such is life when dealing with exceptions that can strike at any moment. The abstractions we’ve covered in this chapter like timeout and Chan are certainly hard to get right, but it is worth reminding ourselves that dealing with asynchronous exceptions at this level is something that Haskell programmers rarely have to do, for a couple of reasons:

  • All non-IO Haskell code is automatically safe by construction. This is the one factor that makes asynchronous exceptions feasible.
  • We can use the abstractions provided, such as bracket, to acquire and release resources. These abstractions have asynchronous-exception safety built in. Similarly, when working with MVars, the modifyMVar family of operations provides built-in safety.

We find that making most IO monad code safe is straightforward, but for those cases where things get a bit complicated, a couple of techniques can simplify matters:

  • Large chunks of heavily stateful code can be wrapped in a mask, which drops into polling mode for asynchronous exceptions. This is much easier to work with. The problem then boils down to finding the interruptible operations and ensuring that exceptions raised by those will not cause problems. The GHC I/O library uses this technique: every Handle operation runs entirely inside mask.
  • Using software transactional memory (STM) instead of MVars or other state representations can sweep away all the complexity in one go. STM allows us to combine multiple operations in a single atomic unit, which means we don’t have to worry about restoring state if an exception strikes in the middle. We will describe STM in Chapter 10.

In exchange for asynchronous-exception-safety, Haskell’s approach to asynchronous exceptions confers some important benefits:

  • Many exceptional conditions map naturally onto asynchronous exceptions. For example, stack overflow and user interrupt (e.g., Ctrl+C at the console) are mapped to asynchronous exceptions in Haskell. Hence, Ctrl+C not only aborts the program but also does so cleanly, running all the exception handlers. Haskell programmers don’t have to do anything to enable this behavior.
  • Computation can always be interrupted, even if it is third-party library code. (There is an exception to this, namely calls to foreign functions, which we shall discuss in Threads and Foreign Out-Calls).
  • Threads never just die in Haskell. It is guaranteed that a thread always gets a chance to clean up and run its exception handlers.

[34] Historical note: the original presentation of asynchronous exceptions used a pair of combinators, block and unblock, here, but mask was introduced in GHC 7.0.1 to provide a more modular behavior and to avoid using the overloaded term “block.”

[35] For simplicity here, we are using a slightly less general version of mask than the real one in the Control.Exception library.

[36] An exception is foreign calls; see Asynchronous Exceptions and Foreign Calls.

[37] The forkFinally function is provided by Control.Concurrent from GHC 7.6.1.

[38] The full Async library is available in the async package on Hackage.

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