
This book is a realization of a dream that I never knew I had. It has been a long time coming and there have been many, many people who helped me along this journey. I would first like to thank my parents Joel and Susan Winton, and my brothers, Andy and Jeff, for all their encouragement and support through the years.

I was fortunate to have several exceptional teachers along the way. I would like to thank Miss Haussman for encouraging my curiosity, Mrs. Zweibel for introducing me to the wonders of science and writing, Mme. Solomon for teaching me to learn, Mr. William Laufenberg for teaching me to take the heat, Ms. Jo Conger for appreciating my perspective, Mr. Ben Mazza for sharing his love of language and literature, Professor William Jordan for showing me that nothing is impossible, not even writing really long, boring texts.

My excellent friends Eric Brodnax, Vinnie Clowney, Helen Condon, George Fisette, Will Kinney, Sean Quinlin, Andrea Panjwani, Scott Sedar, Hillary Sullivan, and Stephanie Zancolli have guided me, supported me, and stood by me at the hardest moments of my life. My friends in Vermont, across the country, and around the world have lent me all sorts of moral and logistical support as I struggled with this book. I am especially grateful to those that have served as my muses.

Writing the book proved to be a much larger effort than I had ever expected. I would like to thank Glenn Bachmann, whose acclaimed book, Palm Programming, was an inspiration to me throughout the effort. I would also like to thank Jeff Ishaq for being a wealth of information and good sense, and my technical readers, Peter Easton, of Palm Computing, and John Palm III for donating their time, experience, and knowledge to the project.

I cannot thank my remarkable editor, Troy Mott, enough for his patience, encouragement and good humor, and Bob Herbstman for his tireless efforts putting together feedback and handling the images. I would like to also thank the many people who patiently waited for this book.

Whenever things got really stressful around my house (which was often), there were two angels who flew in and made everything better. They are Alexandra Tiajaloff and Katia Mujica, and I thank them deeply.

I would like to thank my extraordinarily loving and patient children, Johnny and Alicia, for supporting me and being willing to live without me all the long months during which I wrote this book. I am hopeful that they will be equally willing to live with me now that it is done.

Most of all, I must thank my magnificent wife, Marianna. My love, without you, I never would have been able to write this book, or even dreamed of it. On the days I wanted to quit you kept me going, and on the days I kept going, you held down the fort. You give light and warmth to my life. ¡Te quiero, Enamorada!

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