
32-bit 23, 195, 239

64-bit 23, 239


Adjust 89, 66

    Brightness/Contrast 69

    Digital Noise Removal 71

    Fill Light/Clarity 6970

    High Pass Sharpen 71

    Local Tone Mapping 7071

    Smart Photo Fix 6668

    White Balance 69

    workspace 54, 89, 6671

Adjustment layers 168, 175177

    advantages 177

    types 177

Airbrush 228

Alpha channels 160161

Art Media brushes 230233

Auto selection tool 17, 149151

Auto-Preserve Originals 2122


Background Eraser 157

Background layer 172

Backlighting filter 87

Black and White

    creating 121124

    filters 26

    hand-coloring 137140

    tinting 124126

Blemish Fixer 24

Blend 118119, 177178

Brightness/Contrast 69, 8081

Brush tools 120121, 227230

    Art Media 230233 ...

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